Status Update

August 14, 2017

Status Updates (August, 2017) > August 14, 2017

Weekly Development Report


SCRAPE integration

  • Currently some problems still remain, but the team believes that the issues are occurring on the CSL side. This issue is pending investigation

Delegation/stake locking

  • CSL-1483 Address type modification (to have stake distribution as part of it) is nearly complete. The team feels that they can have a working prototype by the end of the week.

Test stake locking

  • Manual testing is not yet done.

Automated testing

  • In order to give the team the ability to accomplish various tests,  blockchain event framework was deployed.After the framework was applied, various obscure bugs were revealed immediately.Most important parts are covered with at least positive tests
  • Due to some high priority tasks, Work to start testing invalid payloads (txs) has not yet commenced.


-There were various significant accomplishments this week: -Transaction fees were finally enabled and tested (though only locally) -Important work on module refactoring and code simplifying has began -Running Daedalus acceptance tests is now part of workflow in Middleware team. Immediately following this improvement a couple of -important issues were found and quickly resolved. -Work on unit test coverage of middleware code has commenced


Explorer project was fully merged into the cardano-sl project. Transaction Fees functionality has finally been implemented. Transaction resubmitting still remains as a work in progress