Status Update

October 16, 2017

Status Updates (October, 2017) > October 16, 2017

Weekly Development Report


Will be available shortly.


Autocomplete React Polymorph input control has been integrated with Daedalus to improve user experience and reduce the number of errors when entering mnemonic during wallet backup and restoration.The new version of React Polymorph UI library was published to NPM after improving theming support and modernizing setup by upgrading to Webpack 3 and introducing support for React 16.Ethereum Classic integration work has continued.


Last week the team concentrated on the following tasks:

  • Fixed bug with fluctuating wallet balance on epoch boundary
  • Optimized performance of getWallets and getAccounts API calls
  • Testing: continuing working on specifications and integration tests for API endpoints
  • Refactorings: moved remained parts of wallet-specific code to cardano-wallet package
  • Planning on working towards Shelley release


Last week the team successfully fixed a delay in updating blocks. Previously there was a delay of 2min for a new block to appear in the UI. Furthermore, ample time was spent on refactoring Explorer logging and error handling. The team finished off the week and is now continuing work on back-end test coverage.


This week the team concentrated on the following:

  • Helping out with improving performance in the wallet middleware
  • Investigated ways to improve block download speed and overall performance


This week devops reviewed and carried out update system on mainnet and staging. The team helped setting up a few development clusters for high severity issues carried out. They also are slowly catching up on operational tech debt and will soon start working on developer tech debts. Today the team is rolling out an update to stabilize our monitoring alerts.


Spec Audit

  • The team raised the heavy weight delegation issue again, it was decided that they will escalate it to Research

Code Audit

  • 301 from HTTP -> HTTPS combined with the HTTPS link returning the Strict-Transport-Security header should guarantee that if someone’s not MITM’d on their first visit, they can’t be MITM’d on any subsequent visit.
  • The team did not find any new issues in delegation and HD Wallet codebase. They hope to finish HD Wallet this week. Delegation will still take time.

Tech Support

Last week saw about the same volume of tickets as the week before. There are currently 572 tickets in  the system.The top issues reported were:

  • Cannot redeem
  • Cannot-connect
  • Feature bug
  • Feature question
  • Mnemonics
  • Cannot sync