Status Update

October 23, 2017

Status Updates (October, 2017) > October 23, 2017

Weekly Development Report


Last week the Core team spent a considerable amount of time on source management and refactoring. The team was able to extract explorer code out of lib/ folder and are now very close to completely getting rid of s sc type parameter refactoring.

In regards to c omponent testing (block processing) the team was able to successfully fix a number of failing tests. Furthermore, the team worked on debugging few issues which appeared on mainnet. The issue with “S SC couldn't compute seed: NoSecrets for epoch epoch No.1 ” on mainnet has been resolved. The team also tackled the issue with N TP time sync check.

Implemented core part: Detect current time out of sync, report it. In regards to Interactive CLI , the team implemented a number of improvements to streamline the usage of CLI. The guys are looking to finish this task by end of sprint #50.

On the tasks regarding Transaction processing documentation, work has began on documenting transaction processing checks & etc. As for Performance, block retrieval speed, pertaining to the Core, the team engaged in review & discussion with the networking team. Unchecked deserialization still remains a work in progress.


Daedalus team was focused on Mantis/Ethereum Classic integration in the sprint. The architecture of the solution stabilized, and work was focused on delivering features. Generating Ethereum Classic account from mnemonic seed, backup procedure, and fetching wallet balance was finalized. Next sprint will also be focused on delivering Ethereum Classic wallet features.


The team spent the week working on scaling getting the wallet endpoint. Work has began on the api v2 design. Effort was applied to improving component tests for wallet api. Lastly, the team successfully added an endpoint that checks if the local time is in sync with global clock.


The focus of the week was test coverage.


The team engaged in planning of how to improve the networking layer for full decentralisation. They also spent time on looking at performance of block retrieval.


Update coming soon.


Here is the latest from the Code Auditing team:

Spec Audit

  • Last week the team have not been assigned any new tasks on Spec Audit. A key member has been helping the code team by answering their questions.

Code Audit

  • Minor dependency issue The team noticed the following dependency path cardano-sl -> cardano-crypto -> cardano-crypto (c bits) -> cryptonite . But cryptonite has haskell bindings, therefore it could be used directly in haskell which is probably the safer way to do it. On a related note, cryptonite comes with its own Scrypt , so instead of using the separate lib, the code could just use the one bundled with cryptonite .
  • The team's currenty finishing HD-Wallet code audit. They have finished the first set of paths given to them by a key member. The team is currently still looking at second set of paths.
  • The team hopes to be done with cardano-sl delegation audit in 2 weeks.
  • Furthermore, the team looked at Scrypt bindings but did not find an issue. The branches cardano-sl-1.0 and cardano-sl-1.0-exchanges do not seem to touch anything related to Scrypt . So anything that was correct before, should be correct after.

Tech Support

Last week saw a slightly lower volume of tickets as the week before. There are currently 515 tickets in the system. The top issues reported were:

  • Cannot redeem
  • Cannot connect
  • Feature related bugs
  • Feature related questions
  • User cannot see tx