Status Update

November 13, 2017

Status Updates (November, 2017) > November 13, 2017

Weekly Development Report


The effort to refine and fine-tune the various workstreams attributed to Shelly, continued. Many maps have been created and the first sessions have been completed successfully. Furthermore, the unification of issue tracking has been completed. Design and research is ongoing for Incentives, Delegation and Networking.


Last week the team concentrated on Mainnet 1.0 maintenance. In regard to Documentation, the following tasks were completed:

  • Delegation document was reviewed by auditors
  • Transaction processing doc was written from scratch and reviewed In terms of Block retrieval slowness investigation:
  • Main points to improve for short- and mid- terms understood Last, but not least, in terms of code restructuring, the following was addressed:
  • Refactoring: Extract block processing, txp out of lib
  • Refactoring: Various items from the previous sprints


The work on basic ETC version of Daedalus is nearing it’s end as the team is finalizing integration of ETC transaction history handling and implementation of HTTPS/TLS communication between Daedalus and Mantis client. A solution for non-blocking Daedalus interface during wallet restore and import processes has been finished and is just waiting for the final approval of the whole team. The team is working on a feature for showing a screen-blocking notification with instructions for setting up NTP in case user’s local time is out of sync. The work on refactoring the purescript middleware (Daedalus Bridge) to a Flow type checked Javascript solution is done and testing phase is underway. The code base has been updated to latest Electron and Electron-related dependencies.


Last week the team tackled the following tasks:

  • HD wallet derivation scheme review with the auditors;
  • Made a start on wallet backend endpoints for exporting a wallet to paper;
  • Start implementing parts of the V1 API
  • Ongoing support for exchange integration
  • Continue exploration of the solution space for bundling Daedalus on Linux.
  • A team member is currently investigating AppImage
  • Proposed a new API for handling updates on the wallet backend
  • Developed an initial possible API for external wallets (as a Swagger spec)

This Week the team plans to:

  • Continue HD wallet review process with the auditors;
  • Keep investigating AppImage for bundling Daedalus on Linux;
  • Paper wallet - the business analyst is going to schedule meeting
  • Draft the error handling mechanism for V1;
  • Aim to complete Wallet redesign `Phase 1'
  • Propose a new V1 API;
  • Hook the old (versioned) API;
  • V1 endpoints stubbed/mocked.
  • Review proposed Update mechanism for V1 with the team.
  • Finish reviewing our Ledger Swagger spec and forward it to a blockchain consulting vendor
  • Start working on the test vectors for data visualization solution (transaction signing and wallet Id derivation)
  • Un-/subscribe to latest page of epochs;
  • Explorer testing and benchmarking;
  • Improve explorer tests


Update coming soon.


Last week:

  • The team continued with planning. Some meetings with key members about delta-Q estimation and details on how to actually construct the core DIF routing trees.
  • Came closer to an agreement with the core team on Serialization performance tasks. Discussion is still ongoing. Not a blocker for any other work on Shelley networking but it is a requirement.

This week: The team plans to get started on the patch originally planned for last week but bumped in favour of more planning and discussion for other features. There is a concrete plan (actual Haskell text) for doing it in parallel with the core team. Plan to start implementing later this week.


Last week the team tackled several important tasks. The following tasks are now in progress:

  • Cloud hosting migration
  • CI migration
  • Infrastructure deployment fixes
  • Migration to fresh NixOS release
  • Developer documentation review
  • Deployment fixes & improvements


Update coming soon.

Tech Support

Last week did not see any significant changes in tech support traffic. There are currently 195 tickets in the system.

  • The top issues reported were:
  • Cannot connect
  • Cannot redeem coins
  • Cannot see transactions
  • Cannot launch/install
  • Issue with wallet