Status Update

May 3, 2019

Status Updates (May, 2019) > May 3, 2019

Weekly Development Report



This week the team finished the implementation of the 'Block consolidation status' and 'Network status' screens redesign.

The team has improved the user error message experience by implementing an automated scroll-to-error-message feature which is triggered upon form-submission if there are any errors thrown. By implementing this behavior, no error messages can be missed even on small screens.

A small issue with the Daedalus log file being saved with ".log" instead of the ".json" file extension has been fixed. The team has also improved the testing suite by adding unit tests for wallet recovery phrase generation and validation.

App Platform

This week the team improved container provisioning in the Docker-based Plutus execution engine and then moved attention to client-side concerns. A design for a JavaScript SDK to provide keypair and wallet submission was determined, to be used as a library for the smart-contract-js-client to depend on.


Roughly a third of the team was engaged in training sessions in Miami last week, following the IOHK Summit 2019.

Meanwhile, the developers are nearing completion of a full transaction builder, signer, and submitter API. All of the core internal components have been finalized and tested, such as coin selection, fee calculation, key management, witness creation, and the transaction serializer. Some work still needs to be done on integration and comparison tests, which should be finalized next week. The API is getting very close to completion and now fully supports essential wallet management, transaction creation, and submission.


The team has been working on new network functionality for Shelley, and on Friday a team member will be hosting an internal demo for smooth migration functionality from Byron to Shelly.


Continuous Integration

The team continued work on integrating nix-tools with the new repositories, including cardano-shell and plutus.


The team continued with monitoring tooling migration and tested the changes in an isolated environment. The changes are being finalized for merging and will be rolled out to all environments by the end of the month.


There is no update this week.


This week the Plutus team worked on integration tests for the backend, as well as updates to the specification and crowdfunding example. Updates were also made to the alignment of tabs in the Plutus Playgrounds, as well as an improved responsive display for parts of the user interface.

The Marlowe team were busy making syntax updates and general improvements in Meadow. Participation in the online Udemy courses for both Marlowe and Plutus continues to grow, and the feedback has been positive. The Education team are working on producing some supplementary information as part of this feedback. Content creation continued on the Plutus ebook.


IOHK is currently looking for talented people to work with us. Please see the IOHK Careers page for more details.