Status Update

March 27, 2020

Status Updates (March, 2020) > March 27, 2020



Cardano Wallet

This week the team worked on preparations for the upcoming Daedalus Byron reboot release, including successfully integrating the new cardano-launcher and new Haskell Cardano node.

Application Platform

This week the team continued working on improvements to the cardano-launcher required for the Daedalus Byron reboot release.

Cardano Explorer

This week the team finished all the UI improvements for the mobile view of the Cardano Explorer, which is now ready for release as part of the Byron reboot.


The team has been busy working on ensuring smooth integration across all the elements of the wallet stack, from the node and the wallet backend to the launcher and Daedalus itself. These integration efforts will ensure robust, reliable performance and positive user experience when delivering the Byron reboot.


This week the networking team has been working on improving the chairman application, a testing program that checks the success of node consensus for any given cluster. The team discovered that in some scenarios the chairman application does not properly register chain progress failures, and this issue has now been fixed. The chairman application will now report an error if one of the nodes has connection problems, or for some other reason will not make progress in reaching consensus.

The team has also been working on per-state protocol timeouts and rate limiting of accepted connections, with two pull requests currently under review. Work was also done to refactor a large portion of the Win32-network library.


This week the team worked on integrating the new cardano-node into the launcher configuration for Daedalus, as well as writing a new faucet for the testnet using cardano-byron-wallet as a backend. The team also improved the monitoring of relay and explorer nodes on the network. Finally, the team added a self-node configuration to cardano-node that can be used for development purposes, allowing users to run a node locally that produces its own blocks without access to a network.


This week the team continued to work on the CDDL tests, and can now check any given deserialization against the CDDL file by using a Ruby tool. The team also worked on adding a ‘safety zone’ to the protocol parameter updates, which ensures that voting is stabilized 2,000 slots before the end of the epoch so that the consensus layer has time to react.

Work was also done this week to adjust which pool parameter snapshots are used to calculate rewards. Previously, snapshots corresponding to the ‘performance epoch’ were used, but now a snapshot from the epoch in which stake distribution happened is used instead.

Finally, the ledger state now stores all the necessary information required for the non-myopic rewards calculation, as well as having an API to access it. There is still some work to do to add the finishing touches based on feedback from the researchers, but the team expects it to be relatively straightforward.


The Plutus team added the signing process as a separate service this week, similar to the node and chain index. They also removed gas costs for type checking and added a scale operation for values.

Meanwhile, the Marlowe team continued their efforts on improvements to Blockly. In particular, the presentation of labels and tutorial images.