Status Update

July 3, 2020

Status Updates (July, 2020) > July 3, 2020


This week the team successfully delivered the Daedalus Balance Check version that was deployed on Shelley Testnet. The team is now working on the next Daedalus Shelley Testnet release, which will include delegation features. The UI for the ITN rewards redemption feature is ready for API integration.


This week the team resolved some bugs found during their internal testing. They concentrated their efforts on resolving any discrepancies between cardano-node and Jörmungandr, which is a challenging task to ensure no breaking changes occur in the process.


This week the networking team made progress with DeltaQ measurements and improved peer-selection DNS lookups by backporting fixes that were uncovered by the subscription manager. Also, they improved the interface of MonadAsync by adding a Concurrently combinator, which provides an API to access Haskell's concurrency. And finally, the team worked on enhancing some tests and made progress in reviewing the network design document.


This week, the team worked on automated testing of update proposals, and continued working on the building and testing of cardano-graphql and cardano-db-sync, in preparation for an upcoming release.

The team also made improvements to the Faucet to ensure that Byron and Shelley use the same code (simple flag at runtime). Some improvements were also made to limiting faucet rate. Finally, the team worked on the automation of relays in topologies from on-chain data.


This week the team fixed some more problems related to KES keys on the testnet. These fixes ensure that the node should not crash because the KES key could not be updated or evolved. Instead, it will always result in a CannotLead trace message (#2299, #2300, #2306). The team also switched to the real VRF implementation (#2297). The team also fixed a bug found by a property test (#2310, #2312) in forecasting across the hard fork boundary. They also worked on overriding the initial nonce used by the Shelley era (#2005, #2289).


This week the Plutus team worked on JSON updates: in the smart contract backend (SCB), the test JSON file was expanded to include more kinds of events to decode. On the front end, the JsonMap was updated to successfully decode null as an empty map, and some encoding errors were fixed. Finally, the team added copy-to-clipboard support for the long blockchain IDs to make it easier to copy the full version.

The Marlowe team also fixed a deprecation warning with Marlowe's use of websockets. They also made improvements to the scrolling capability in Blockly, and added an enhancement that assigns an error message if you try to send Blockly code to a simulation that has already started.