Status Update

July 17, 2020

Status Updates (July, 2020) > July 17, 2020


This week the team worked on the Daedalus 1.3.0-ST2 release, adding enhanced stake pool functionality with an improved ranking system. This release re-introduces support for Byron wallets, which facilitates the migration of funds from Byron wallets to Shelley wallets, since Byron wallets do not support the delegation feature. The team also added functionality to display stake pool information. The transaction details screen now shows reward addresses. Finally, the team made additional improvements to the UX/UI functionality.


This week the team investigated block propagation problems on the Shelley testnet. The team made block-fetch related parameters configurable, and also worked on the tip-sample protocol and its application. Decoder error reporting was improved to include the protocol name and protocol state. It is now easier to debug codec misconfigurations. This week the team also worked on presentations from the Cardano virtual summit 2020 and published a blog post about the path to decentralization which can be found here.


This week the team developed the local hard-fork test cluster, made improvements to the SMASH CI server, and updated the faucet to support version 1.15 of the node.


This week the team added assertions into an STS framework for Shelley, which will enable testing to find any problems. The team also added the means for block reapplication to optimize the consensus layer speed, conducted testing procedures, and worked on fixing hash issues.


This week the Plutus team expanded the contracts suite to include an option contract. They also worked on the validation of the integer cost model and refactored test cases for the Actus integration. Finally, the team fixed issues that occurred in the bottom panels of the Plutus Playground.

The Marlowe team made improvements to the user experience by adding more help function features within the Marlowe editor, and also introduced improvements and clarifications in contract execution. Finally, the team addressed feedback from the ISOLA 2020 paper reviews.