Status Update

November 5, 2021

Status Updates (November, 2021) > November 5, 2021


This week, the team optimized the Daedalus startup sequence and integrated the latest LedgerJS. They also started implementing Catalyst registration changes, and are also working on introducing a ‘Discreet’ mode to hide transaction amounts and wallet balances.  


This week, the team maintained their focus on the integration of the wallet backend with the Plutus Application Backend (PAB).

Also, the team is working on e2e tests automation, additional test coverage, and optimization of the fee calculation.

Finally, they finished a new endpoint to provide details about unbalanced transactions for Daedalus users.


This week, the team completed IPV6 support for P2P functionality, which is now in review, worked on the fork counter, and also on simulated socket tests. They continued reviewing the P2P master branch, in particular those commits that are used by non-P2P code, and proceeded with the specification review and updating.


This week, the team prepared for the node v.1.31.0 release and deployment, worked on the wallet Nix Flake support, and made Bitte Grafana updates to improve declarative alerts. Finally, they worked on the propagation delay dashboard for cardano-ops.


This week, the team included the new benchmarking memory usage tool into the repository. Benchmarking results allowed them to focus on target improvements. The team worked on sharing stake among the snapshots, incrementally computing the stake distribution and reward calculation in a more uniform way (at the granularity of stake credentials, instead of stake pools), and fusing the three maps keyed by the stake credentials inside the delegation state.

The team also continued working on rewarding and certifying scripts integration into CI, ran some Cardano node tests, and resolved occurring issues.

Work is ongoing on Hydra planning and development. The team updated some dependencies to recent cardano-node, cardano-ledger-specs, and Plutus versions. They worked on the direct chain component in the full Head life-cycle, and prepared some light wallet workshop material.


This week, the Plutus team worked on Compiler optimizations for smaller script outputs and ran some additional benchmarking tests. They also made small Haddock fixes and some organization changes that make stack.yaml more in sync with cabal.project.

The Marlowe team worked with the education team on planning for the Marlowe Pioneers program. They also applied some fixes to the Marlowe Playground client and worked on Marlowe Run improvements.