Status Update

February 18, 2022

Status Updates (February, 2022) > February 18, 2022


This week, the team added more details to the notification about Cardano node activity during wallet synchronization. They also made several UI improvements to the stake pool list, and upgraded the Catalyst voting procedure to be dynamic, which means that it is now possible to implement upgrades without new releases.


This week, the team continued reviewing IOSimPOR in preparation to merge new changes. They investigated state tracing of TVars and planned their integration with different tests to ensure robustness while IOSim and IOSimPOR testing. The team worked on the first E2E test for network data diffusion and continued monitoring and analyzing mainnet utilization.

Finally, they invited more SPOs to run their nodes with an enabled stake-driven peer-selection on testnet, and finalized connection manager documentation review.


This week, the team worked on Haskell Nix improvements and made some JavaScript code updates in the Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC) repository.

They also prepared Jörmungandr incremental tally implementation for quality assurance checks and finalized rewards changes

The team continued working on the ledger in-memory backend implementation of the new ledger state storage module, which will be able to either keep the ledger state on disk to run on machines with less memory, or to keep it in memory for better performance. They also updated UTXO HD documentation and ran storage tests on blocks with payload to plan further improvements.

The Hydra team presented a demo of Hydra v.0.3.0 and created a Cardano improvement proposal (CIP-36) to add new Plutus built-ins. They also worked on distinguishing Hydra Heads on-chain using tokens in Hydra Head Plutus scripts.


The Plutus team added support to the ‘plutus-ledger-api' for Cardano Improvement Proposals (CIPs) 31-33, which includes updates to reference inputs, inline datums, and reference scripts. They also updated the size function for the bytestring type and worked on syntax updates to parsers to support lists, pairs, and data. Finally, they made updates to signature verification and continued work on benchmarking.

The Marlowe team added functionality to download contracts in JSON format and to show the wallet sync status in the Marlowe Playground. They also fixed serialization for the ContractInstance and some issues associated with follower contracts.