Status Update

July 25, 2017

Status Updates (July, 2017) > July 25, 2017

Weekly Development Report


Since there was no report available from DevOps last week, the following is a breakdown of progress made in the past two weeks:

  • There have been “painful” issues with CI addressed (openssl got bumped without warning on appveyor, macOS hard linker size limit.
  • The team also worked on various fixes to TLS certificate generation, in sync with the Middleware team, who has been mainly responsible for TLS development.
  • Time was also attributed to prototype round-robin DNS manual implementation (automation functionality is coming next week)
  • The core/relay topology configuration is ready
  • The core/relay firewall configuration is currently “Work In Progress”
  • The stack2nix integration is almost done. Also, the team is currently waiting on haddock integration.
  • Multiple outputs of GHC packages is almost done. This is needed to reduce bootstrapping times for servers


The team was able to finally find a solution for the “Not enough money” issue (bug introduced by import/export). Transaction time modifications have been addressed but still remain in progress. The team is currently engaged in working on non-show-stopper issues and documentation. They are also currently waiting on update system testing.


This week, the bulk of the team's progress was attributed to completing the task of creating an Explorer page for viewing genesis/redeem addresses. The page is currently done and ready for testing.


In the past week the Benchmarking team was busy with the following tasks:

  • Phillip worked towards adapting the benchmarking setup to accommodate testing the current master branch and our upcoming branches, and to include those tests into CI in the future. Unfortunately, the team have come upon something that looks like a regression in master that causes communication between the nodes to fail.
  • The Benchmarking team also received some instructions from the Daedalus team on how to run their tests.
  • Alfredo completed the serialisation pull request. Unfortunately, that's currently blocked on testing.
  • Neil and Well-typed have continued on the improvements in the network layer and configuration.


Since there was no report available from DevOps last week, the following is a breakdown of progress made in the past two weeks:

  • There have been “painful” issues with CI addressed (openssl got bumped without warning on appveyor, macOS hard linker size limit.
  • The team also worked on various fixes to TLS certificate generation, in sync with the Middleware team, who has been mainly responsible for TLS development.
  • Time was also attributed to prototype round-robin DNS manual implementation (automation functionality is coming next week)
  • The core/relay toplology configuration is ready
  • The core/relay firewall configuration is currently “Work In Progress”
  • The stack2nix integration is almost done. Also, the team is currently waiting on haddock integration.
  • Multiple outputs of GHC packages is almost done. This is needed to reduce bootstrapping times for servers


Testnet 5 release

The week was fairly smooth for community testing of TN5. A sum of only 16 support tickets have been created. The top 5 most reported issues were: 1. Issue with redemption 2. Wallet was not restored properly 3. Cannot connect to the network 4. Does not know how to use Daedalus 5. Bug on Daedalus

Mainnet Release

After a tentative re-assessment of the issues, the Mainnet release might be postponed by up to two weeks past the initially set deadline. Various issues with security have been the cause of the delay and a more rigorous security approach is being implemented. A more definitive release date will be available, the closer we get to the initial deadline. The team have voiced a possible necessity of a TN 6 release, before Mainnet. However, the TN6 release will most likely be considered for a Mainnet release candidate.