Status Update

September 11, 2017

Status Updates (September, 2017) > September 11, 2017

Weekly Development Report


Last week the RC launch was a success. The team spent the rest of the week, post-launch, on tackling some non-critical fixes and bugs The only remaining mainnet showstopper now is using canonical JSON for genesis, which is being actively worked on The team feels confident about meeting the next milestone, (providing necessary fixes and features for operation) and the previously agreed upon mainnet release date.


The focus of the work this week was on completing outstanding Daedalus tasks required for the testnet launch and testing/QA on the staging environment. Testnet label was updated for the Release candidate. The issue with unlimited characters for wallet names which were breaking the layout was discovered and fixed. Drag and drop for Ada redemption certificate on Windows issue was investigated and the team came to the conclusion that it is caused by configuration of the Daedalus on windows. For this reason this issue can not be fixed by the frontend team so the Daedalus team will share their findings with DevOps team to solve the issue. The rest of the time was spent on improving the test coverage by writing tests for recently added features that were not covered by acceptance tests and on refactoring some of the code, mostly in tests.


This week the Tx Fee stabilization algorithm was finally implemented. Wallet ready flag functionality was also successfully implemented. Race condition occurring when creating new wallet fixed. Many smaller bugfixes were also addressed and fixed. Currently the team is focusing its efforts on writing automated tests.


The week was mostly dedicated to improving automated test coverage and other smaller bugfixes.


Last week the team worked on the following:

  • Worked on functionality to make it easy for DevOps to deploy additional relays, so that they would be able to handle periods of increased traffic (such as the launch of the main net)
  • Helped resolve issues during the RC launch


Last week the team accomplished the following:

  • Successfully launched RC
  • The automated testing of blockchain pr is ready for review


Tech Support

Following the RC release last week, the amount of tickets increased. Currently, we have had 90 tickets that have come through. The following is a breakdown of the reported issues:

  • Cannot connect to the network: 40
  • Bug report about Daedalus feature: 14
  • Questions about Daedalus: 10
  • Cannot redeem: 10
  • Cannot install: 8
  • Sync issue: 8

Mainnet Release

​According to the latest assessment, Mainnet release is still on schedule.