Status Update

November 6, 2017

Status Updates (November, 2017) > November 6, 2017

Weekly Development Report


The teams are currently moving to two week sprints and have agreed on a rolling release schedule to allow regular testnet release. The team is currently discussing doing mainnet releases on a regular rolling release schedule as well, but the time intervals between releases remains under review.


Last week the Core team made progress in the following areas:


  • Papers provided by the research department reviewed, some preliminary ideas discussed within team.
  • Work to estimate complexity to be kicked off.

Core tech backlog:

  • Delegation doc ready for external review, auditors already provided one
  • Transaction doc: internal review on final phase
  • Refactoring: restructuring refactoring on progress
    • Pos.Txp, Pos.Update` modules moved to separate packages
    • Moving Block definitions in finalizing stage

Cardano-sl 1.0 maintenance:

  • Some issues in update system/launcher are either fixed or actively WIP
  • Block retrieval: unchecked serialization implemented
  • Prepared instructions for doing tx size limit update


Great effort has been put into the collaboration with the Mantis team to finalize a first basic version of Daedalus ETC integration. Several new endpoints have been negotiated specially for Daedalus integration which enabled important features like deletion of wallets, showing recent transactions and sending money. The Mantis team has provided the Daedalus team with a local setup, so the frontend and backend can be run individually on each developer’s machine, which is crucial for acceptance testing and rapid feature development. The ETC version of Daedalus has special handling of large numbers now, a necessity due to the unbound amounts and 18 decimal places in ETC. ETC error messages are now handled correctly in the UI. Daedalus does not enforce any max window size anymore, which was reported as a problem on large screens. Some minor issues with the react-polymorph options component have been fixed. The integration of the new autocomplete control has been finished and is just waiting for final approval of the whole team. Missing UI components in react-polymorph have been identified and task cards for each will be added to our backlog soon. The work on refactoring the purescript middleware (daedalus bridge) to a Flow type checked Javascript solution is nearly done. The code base has been updated to latest mobx-react-form dependency.


Here is what the team was up to last week:

  • Updated technical documentation
  • Workshop with a block chain consultancy company to finalize user stories
  • Provided a tentative API specification (as a Swagger document) for the new endpoints needed for the Ledger integration.
  • Started gathering requirements for paper wallets integration;
  • Investigation of Linux app bundling solutions for providing Linux installers for Daedalus;
  • Produced an initial version of the `wallet-new' prototype with a versioned HTTP API
  • Rewrote some Daedalus-bridge functions from PureScript to JS to help the frontend team in their integration work.
  • Improved logging on the wallet-backen

Here are some of the tasks planned to be tackled this week:

  • HD wallet derivation scheme review with the auditors;
  • Second round of requirements gathering for paper wallets;
  • Start implementing parts of the V1 API using building blocks of the existing API;
  • Initial exploration around wallet-backend integration with ATMs & other exchanges;
  • Continue exploration of the solutions for bundling Daedalus on Linux- -


Last week the team spent time preparing few middleware PRs from middleware and explorer to 1.0. With the addition of a new BA they are starting to prepare Explorer requirements documents and other related materials. Also, the team is currently discussing a few Explorer tasks. However, they have been postponed and waiting for the Daedalus PM to continue the discussion.


Last week’s highlights:

Technical planning of features for Shelley networking.

  • Interface between diffusion and application layers
  • Peer discovery (kademlia)
  • QoS/delta-Q measurements
  • Serialization performance
  • Pub/sub (work in progress) Team members reviewed a cardano-sl pull request which improves performance by avoiding expensive deserialisation. The team also discussed validations, but a final decision is still required to proceed.

Planned this week:

A key member will be working on peer discovery. Another key member plans to begin work on cardano-sl to implement the interface between diffusion and application layers. This is a wise first step because it should reduce the frequency of conflicts between networking work and that of unrelated cardano-sl changes.


2 members of DevOps were at the nix conference all week. The remaining team were working on deployments. "Enabling developers to deploy dev-env clusters on their own" in progress with a goal to be finished this week.


Here is the latest from the Code Auditing team:

Spec Audit

  • The team have not been assigned any new tasks on Spec Audit. Code Audit

Found minor issues (DEVOPs) on audit,

  • Issue regarding hosting windows binary on build server

Tech Support

Last week has seen a significant decrease in new tickets. There are currently 193 tickets in the system.

The top issues reported were:

  • Cannot redeem
  • Cannot connect
  • Anti virus blocking
  • Cannot see transaction