Status Update

September 4, 2020

Status Updates (September, 2020) > September 4, 2020


Last week, the team worked on Shelley hardware wallets support, implemented an automatic update system, finalized quarterly UI/UX polishing, and worked on a third-party dependencies update.


Last week, the team worked on improving the QA and CI environments. Also, there is ongoing work on metadata, which will be part of the next release.


The networking team continued working on the p2p-governor integration with a cardano-node and discovered, debugged, and fixed a number of issues that occurred within a process.


Last week, the DevOps team deployed version 1.19.1 of the node to staging and the testnet, and worked with Cardano Rosetta packaging for deployment to internal and testnet networks. The team continued resolving ongoing support issues and made some improvements to operations libraries and tooling.


Last week, the team worked to resolve some technical debt on the coin selection process in transaction generators. The team also planned the ledger maintenance process across multiple development eras (Shelley, Goguen, Basho, and others), and worked on documentation about stake pool ranking.


Last week the Plutus team worked on the frontend infrastructure for metadata server queries to the smart contract backend (SCB). They also added a wallet tutorial and fixed choice names. The team made improvements to slot actions and updated the architecture documentation.

The Marlowe team were busy making some Marlowe Playground server-side updates and fixes. They also removed the use of websockets in the Marlowe Playground.