Status Update

July 23, 2021

Status Updates (July, 2021) > July 23, 2021


This week, the team's focus remained on Alonzo/Plutus-related changes.

Specifically, the team worked on streamlining cardano-wallet transaction APIs to enable integration with the Plutus Application Backend (PAB), and they are also working on updating the cardano-wallet to the Alonzo Node v1.28 with changes required for smart contracts (collateral, script witnesses, etc.)

Finally, GraphQL v5.0, Rosetta v1.3.0, and Explorer-app v1.6.0 are all now in the releasing stage. All versions are compatible with DB Sync v10.0.


This week, the team fixed some tests in the cardano-node repository, made logging improvements, and made changes to the P2P master branch. They also worked on the DeltaQ framework and identified future project outputs. Finally, the team continued updating the network specification.


This week, the team deployed node v.1.28 and explorer v.1.6.0 to the public testnet. They also worked on the Alonzo White update proposal to adjust cost parameters, continued preparation for the ERC20 upcoming testnet release, and enabled Bitte support for the Plutus Playground and GHC web service.


This week, the team worked on alternative incentive schemes together with the research team. They agreed on core concepts and discussed a strategy going forward. They also identified the technical team structure for Voltaire development, worked on documentation, and continued working on the Obsidian update mechanism.


This week, the Plutus team updated some hosted PAB information and fixed the type parameter name in the PAB contract. They also resolved Playground decoding errors for datums and redeemers, deleted the obsolete servant-server dependency from the plutus-contract, and updated protocol parameters in plutus-use-cases-scripts, which allows exporting some of the partial transactions. The team also generated ACTUS examples for Plutus performance and investigated ActusLabs issues in the Playground.

The Marlowe team continued working on the Marlowe Run infrastructure redesign, which includes contract setup, contract cards, and tooltips. They added a hint widget to Marlowe Run, reinstated slot parameters in the example contracts, and added default values making them read-only. The team also added a TimeFormat to the NumberFormat type, which interprets values as seconds, and displays them as minutes. They fixed some minor Marlowe Playground Client issues and implemented the new design of the contacts sidebar.

Finally, they added the "copy to clipboard" functionality for wallet IDs and tidied up role inputs for contract template setup, restyling inputs to match new designs.