Status Update

March 4, 2022

Status Updates (March, 2022) > March 4, 2022


This week the team worked on a new mnemonics entry component and some user interface improvements. They also fixed the Trezor T pairing issue and prepared for the Daedalus v.4.9.0 release.


This week, the team worked on finalizing a new transaction workflow, adding token minting and burning.

They also worked on redesigning the DB layer and adding a 'light' mode in cardano-wallet.

Finally, they continued working on the cardano-js-sdk MVP.


This week, the team continued diagnosing the local root peer bug and added the connection manager state machine test using IOSimPOR. They also continued working on diffusion simulations, the design of eclipse evasion, and the gossip protocol.


This week, the team deployed node v.1.34 to mainnet.


This week, the team continued working on block diffusion properties and on several protocol enhancements including chain-sync and block-fetch protocols. They also refined the in-memory backing store's serialization constraints and ran storage tests on blocks with payload on the UTXO HD branch.

The Hydra team worked on the support of multiple Heads on-chain, some node connection properties, and the use of faucets for funds distribution within a Head. They also refactored stateful chain-level transaction creation and observation, which enables running complex tests on-chain. Finally, the team fixed some issues reported by users.


This week, the Plutus team moved the plutus-example module from cardano-node to plutus-apps and spent time testing that slot numbers line up between the model and the emulator. They also worked on validation benchmark arguments and signature validations.

The Marlowe team fixed deadlines in the contract template page of Marlowe Run and moved the handling of Marlowe endpoint calls to call sites. They also updated the contract confirmation dialog and enabled the display of currency symbols for unnamed contracts.

Finally, they created a function to generate valid inputs for contracts using static analysis and solved the problem where the wallet companion did not notify when updates were made.