Status Update

July 2, 2021

Status Updates (July, 2021) > July 2, 2021


This week, the team prepared for the Daedalus Flight 4.2.0-FC1 release, which improves native token functionality and enables exporting the wallet's multi-signature public key.

The team also made changes to the upcoming Catalyst Fund 5 voting registration and started implementing the custom browser protocol for Daedalus launching.


This week, the team remained focused on Alonzo/Plutus core features, which included the release of cardano-addresses v.3.5.0, and the extension of voting tools to provide a decision log for Catalyst Fund 5.

The team also adjusted the e2e framework so it can easily connect and run tests on Alonzo testnets, worked on streamlining transaction APIs to enable Alonzo/Plutus features, and almost completed updating a coin selection algorithm to incorporate minting and burning.

Finally, they implemented a set of fixes to improve both a flaky CI and the cardano-rosetta API.


This week, the team worked on the P2P switch feature, which is now in review, improved some logging properties, and cleaned up the P2P master branch in the cardano-node GitHub repository. They also renamed io-sim-classes to io-classes, provided support for ‘simultaneous open’ in the network simulation environment, and continued working on the multi-node server simulation after Quviq’s audit.

Finally, the team updated the Wireshark plugin and improved the Win32-network package description.


This week, the team continued working on Alonzo benchmarking and block time budgeting: they implemented necessary analysis fixes, reviewed and validated log analysis results, worked on the network latency matrix collection, and made progress on production benchmarking.

The team also implemented the initial Alonzo transaction generation capability and merged some PRs, including the initial wallet abstraction implementation. They continued redesigning the node logging infrastructure: implemented the connection layout change for cardano-tracer/cardano-node, relocated resource statistics from the iohk-monitoring-framework, and started working on the BasicInfo and Resource tracers. Along with that, the team updated relevant documentation and resolved some issues related to frequency limiting.

Work is ongoing on the implementation of Alonzo rules into the ledger. The team worked on various extensions from AWS, added redeemers for minting policies, worked on cost scaling and a more efficient serialization of programs. They also fixed some issues in Plutus IR, updated related documentation, and made progress working on chain index types along with syncing PAB with the Alonzo node.


This week, the Plutus team added redeemers for minting policies and more instructions about profiling. They also made improvements by reordering constructors according to frequency and updated the auction and uniswap trace in the plutus-use-cases-scripts. Finally, they worked on emulator implementations of chain index query and control effects.

The Marlowe team did some refactoring work to reflect recent design changes within Marlowe Run. They also worked on a new Welcome screen design and started implementing tooltips. Additionally, they extended the payment type to include source accounts and transfers and also updated the Marlowe website with FAQ information, new banners, social tags, and a wider layout.