Status Update
August 20, 2021
Status Updates (August, 2021) > August 20, 2021
This week, the team started working on the implementation of static screens for signing DApp interaction transactions that will integrate with the custom browser protocol to launch Daedalus.
They also began improving the stake pool ranking feature, using desirability as a parameter, which does not rank pools that do not meet their pledge.
Finally, the team continued handling the Electron package bump, implementing fixes, and monitoring upcoming Trezor changes.
This week, the team released all the Adrestia components ready for Alonzo Purple, to allow exchanges commence testing.
The team is now focused on bumping the wallet backend to the node release candidate, and are also working on wrapping up the new transaction API for PAB integration and implementing changes required for smart contracts (collateral, script witnesses, etc.).
Finally, they started working to introduce voting features in cardano-rosetta, and are also implementing a range of fixes and optimizations.
This week, the team worked on the P2P master branch to implement support for node v.1.28.0. They also gathered block delay data to compare with simulation results, estimated the impact of increasing the maximum block size for smart contract support, and fixed the simulator transition issue.
Finally, the team continued working on typed protocols by implementing some pipelining improvements, reviewed the trace forwarder patch in the Cardano node, and advanced the network simulation environment.
This week, the team set up and deployed the Alonzo Purple network along with the Alonzo mainnet candidate RC1 which is available for testing. They also worked with the networking team and stake pool operators to resolve network connection issues.
The team worked on the Nix flake conversion for GraphQL on Alonzo Purple, tested Docker composing files, and made improvements to the CI infrastructure built on top of Bitte stack.
Finally, they tested the Mantis (Ethereum Classic) network and prepared Catalyst Fund5 voting rewards for distribution.
This week, the team released the first internal ERC20 converter testnet. They are now setting up interactions between all the components in the environment. The team is also in the process of the domain setup, and are conducting final regression tests. For more updates about the converter release, make sure to watch Cardano 360, August edition.
This week, the team merged the first version of Haskell implementation for merkle-patricia-tree, and also inspected legal regulations for potential Hydra solutions.
The team continues implementing Alonzo rules into the ledger, focusing on ledger optimization, property tests, script serialization, and data structures.
This week, the Plutus team inspected Plutus behavior on-chain and worked on Plutus Application Backend (PAB) integration. They also made some changes to support the partial transaction format, and restructured the validation benchmarks. Additionally, they worked on regression testing and documentation to support the recent cost parameter changes.
The Marlowe team worked on custom deserialization of Merklization in independent Marlowe semantics. They also discussed processes for ensuring availability of Marlowe deployments, fixed some issues in the Marlowe Playground, and updated Marlowe Run and PAB interfaces. The team updated the Marlowe Run client to reflect the new design of the timeout step and made some additional Haskell types available in the Marlowe Run frontend code to support enhanced error handling.