Status Updates

December, 2020

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December 18, 2020

Please note that this is the last technical report before the holiday period. We wish you joyful holidays ahead and will be releasing more updates on January 8th, 2021.


Last week, the Daedalus team began implementing several new features and improvements, including: displaying the wallet's public key in the "Wallet Settings" screen and the stake pool ID in the "Delegation" wizard confirmation step, optimizing transaction fee calculation, implementing a "tile" view on the "Delegation Center" screen, adding a configurable SMASH server URL option, improving the UX for wallet recovery phrase input, and implementing an address verification feature for hardware wallets.


This week, the Adrestia team contributed to the success of the Allegra hard fork, and are supporting exchanges that have not crossed the hard fork yet. The team will soon turn their attention to the upcoming Mary development theme.

Concurrently, the team are also working on including multisig into the wallet, integrating into the Mary node, adding multi-asset features into the wallet, and upgrading APIs for Mary.


Last week, the networking team tested the connection manager and worked on a number of pull requests to implement the peer-to-peer TxSubmission2 protocol, improve mux, and network tracing in the cardano-node, and also implement labeled TVars in the io-sim. They continued working on the on-chain root peer discovery, the implementation of Allegra and Mary development themes, and also assisted with issue resolution in the db-sync.


This week, the team worked on the Allegra hard fork deployment on the testnet and mainnet, focusing on finalizing relevant db-sync components.

They also worked on the Catalyst fund2 launch on bitte nomad stack, and finalized the KEVM- Mantis integration for the smart contracts testnet.


Last week, the team made updates to the Amazon Web Services (AWS) deployment and performed data analysis and benchmarking for version 1.24.2 of the node, which confirms the efficiency of performance improvements and allows for aligning the scope of further improvements. They also worked on the proof-of-concept for DWARF-enabled builds within the node benchmarking. The Haskell compiler now supports building with DWARF symbols, which enables far more detail in profiling results without the need for profiling modes that significantly slow down the node's operation.

The team also worked on RTView metric API updates, user interface and notification improvements, reward provenance, and parameterization according to the latest development themes. They also started preparing for the next protocol update (Alonzo) by serializing transaction properties, generalizing scripts, and working with the helper functions.

Finally, they resolved some re-occurring issues, continued working on documentation and Ouroboros Genesis technical report, and are in the process of reviewing cardano-api for the upcoming refactoring.


Last week, the Plutus team worked on the creation and distribution of role tokens and also made progress on the implementation of further use of Isabelle proofs to support static analysis.

The Marlowe team continued updating the Marlowe front end modal elements (including a redesign of the ‘Save as’ button) and also made some updates to the QuickCheck generators for ACTUS. They are currently working with the Creative team on branding and a user interface rollout program.

December 11, 2020


Last week, the Daedalus team worked on the delivery of Daedalus 3.0.0-FC4 and 3.0.0 releases. The latter brings support for Ledger Nano S, Ledger Nano X, and Trezor Model T hardware wallets to the Daedalus mainnet. Users can now transact with ada and delegate wallets with Daedalus using these devices.

Daedalus 3.0.0 also features stake pool ranking improvements, such as the inclusion of the intended amount of stake (as selected by the stake slider) into the ranking calculation. Another notable change is the pool ranking adjustment that will benefit smaller pools that have only produced a few blocks.


This week, the team released a series of Allegra-ready components: Allegra wallet, REST-API, GraphQL, and Rosetta. The team is now switching focus to Mary-ready components.

They are also working on including multisig into the wallet, integration of the Mary node, adding multi-asset features into the wallet, and upgrading APIs for Mary.


Last week, the team continued working on the connection manager integration, on-chain root peers discovery, and bug resolution in tx-submission. They also analyzed some deployment scenario risks and continued working on the cardano-CLI.


Last week, the team deployed the 1.24.2 version of the cardano-node, upgraded cardano-db-sync, and updated the cardano-faucet to be supported within the Allegra development theme. The Project Catalyst application deployments are also in progress.


Last week, the team implemented final changes into the 1.24.1 version of the cardano-node for benchmarking purposes. They also merged the delegation map metric into the node, which will make the mainnet delegation map size available after DevOps deployment, updated the transaction generator to support the 1.24.1 version of the node, and started the Amazon Web Services (AWS) deployment.

The team also designed a preliminary sketch for the metrics and trace forwarding and improved trace forwarder reconnection features. They also enabled GitHub Actions CI for the iohk-monitoring by adding macOS and Windows support, fixed some issues in the CLI, added more details and information within the latest 0.2.0 RTView release and worked on the resource usage debugging.

Finally, they elicited new requirements for the block distribution benchmark and estimated KPI metrics detailing the action plan.


Last week, the Plutus team added values for last compiled code and last evaluated simulation to the state. This means that you can now perform a comparison with the current code or simulation to check for changes. They also implemented some updates to the SMContractError, which improves the way the state machine handles invalid transitions.

The Marlowe team redesigned the new project modal in the Marlowe Playground frontend. They also worked on a proof of concept for an Agda definitions generator for the Actus standard.

December 4, 2020


Last week, the Daedalus team worked on implementing support for Ledger Nano S and Ledger Nano X devices in Daedalus Flight, which was delivered in the Daedalus 3.0.0-FC2 and 3.0.0-FC3 releases.


Last week, the Adrestia team continued working to implement token locking support in the new Allegra node.

The team also made several Allegra-related updates: wallet to node v. 1.24, Graphql for db-sync to v. 7.0, and Rest for db-sync to v. 7.0.

Finally, the team released Rosetta v. 1.0, fixed some minor performance issues on large wallets, and worked on multi-asset support for the wallet.


Last week, the networking team added LocalSocket, FileDescriptor wrappers (PRs #2772 & #2777), worked on connection manager spec & implementation, and also worked on on-chain roots.

The team also fixed thread handling in cardano-node (PR #2135), helped with logging in diffusion (PR #2770), and worked on cardano-cli and the new development themes (Allegra and Mary).

Finally, the team worked on DeltaQ and provided feedback for various connection manager specification ideas/questions.


Last week, the team neared completion of the Catalyst vote registration tool, and also implemented automated backups of the Jormungandr chain and health checks for Catalyst.

The team also delivered multiple Daedalus releases, updated news feeds, and created a new Allegra integration environment for exchanges and others for testing the upcoming hard fork and new features.

It was a busy week for DEVOPS, as they also worked on scripts to use a wallet root key as an owner for a pool, and scripts to use Trezor and Ledger devices with future (unreleased) firmware as an owner for a pool.

Finally, they worked on deployment and testing the upcoming release of db-sync v. 7.0.0, which will enable db-sync to cross the Mary hard fork, they deployed the k parameter update to 500 to the mainnet, prepared the environment for public testing of the multi-asset functionality, and fixed an issue with udev trust for the Linux hardware wallet release of Daedalus.


Last week, the cardano-node changes for K=1000 were updated to the latest version of the node, and one of the three constituent PRs was merged. The transaction generator was also updated to the latest version of the node, and a small extension to cardano-api that supports the generator has been developed and merged.

The team also worked on logging infrastructure. They added continuous integration for iohk-monitoring-framework for macOS and Windows, and also added to the node a Prometheus metric for node start time. This replaces the uptime metric.

Finally, the team introduced a series of user-facing improvements for cardano-rt-view-0.2.0, finished testing the Shelley-to-Allegra hard fork (#2641), and will now start working on the Byron-to-Shelley-to-Allegra process.


Last week, the Plutus team added some applied validators and monetary policy scripts to the emulated node event log and worked on plutus-use-cases scripts. They also added a rate reset filter for static contracts and began work on an initial proposal document for extended bytestring builtins.

The Marlowe team fixed an infinite loop problem with the JavaScript editor and spent time reorganizing the web common code - the Chain.Eval element was renamed to Chain.State, and the common Gists module was split into types and views. They also implemented automatic contract execution for the simple Marlow deposit and timeout continue contracts.