Status Update
November 12, 2021
Status Updates (November, 2021) > November 12, 2021
This week, the team prepared for the upcoming Daedalus 4.5.0 release, which includes Catalyst Fund7 voting registration, stake pool oversaturation warning, and Cardano node RTS flags.
This week, the team's focus remained on the integration of the wallet backend (WBE) with the Plutus Application Backend (PAB).
They prepared a pre-release version of the MVP1 scope, which includes all the new endpoints and components designed for balancing, signing, and submitting Plutus transactions.
Finally, the team is still working on the automation of e2e tests, and polishing this new functionality.
This week, the team continued working through changes suggested during the review of the P2P master branch. They also worked on connection messenger issues that appeared in the P2P node under heavy load, continued running testnet simulations, reordered outbound governor actions, and accepted the fork counter. Finally, they continued reviewing the networking specification.
This week, the team was busy testing and deploying the latest version of the node (v.1.31.0).
This week, the team continued working on spreading out the stake distribution and reward calculation computations, adjusted some property tests, and resolved relevant issues. Work is ongoing on merging stake credential maps. The team made progress making ada-only TxOut size more compact, resolved some DB Sync bugs, and updated node properties.
The team also worked on Windows dependency resolution for Cabal, including updating technical instructions and working on different tests. Finally, they documented MempoolCapacityBytesOverride configurations.
Work is ongoing on Hydra development. The team held a light wallet and Basho scoping workshop, where they gathered input on different features and discussed the further project plan. The impact map has been aligned with the delivery process, and the team also tested some code samples on the chain interaction component.
This week, the Plutus team released the beta version of the Plutus Backend (PAB) to help smart contract developers test their communications with cardano-wallet. This release provides integration with the cardano-wallet backend through the balanceTx, signTx, and submitTransaction endpoints. It also adds a pab-local-cluster tool to set up and test this integration on a local private testnet, as well as a collection of scripts to demonstrate this process end-to-end on the public testnet. They also made some updates to the plutus-core-specification document.
The Marlowe team explored alternatives for distributing metadata and the possibility of connecting to the Nami wallet. The team also extracted the web-common and marlowe-website modules to separate repos and implemented full identifier names (instead of acronyms) for field names in the JSON serialization of ACTUS contract terms. Finally, they worked on the preparation of Marlowe Run for testnet.