Status Updates

November, 2021

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November 26, 2021


This week, the team released Daedalus v.4.5.1, introducing an improved voting screen layout that features continuous registration for Catalyst projects and footer links. The new version also adds a pool over-saturation warning and a Discreet Mode feature.

Finally, the team continued migrating the codebase to TypeScript.


This week, the team worked on bug-fixing, and spent some time analyzing the technical debt of cardano-wallet to prepare this component to support the Cardano product roadmap in 2022.

They also worked on developing the cardano-js-sdk, a new component to support light wallet solutions.


This week, the team continued working on P2P functionality and merged P2P master branches that will be included in the upcoming node release. However, not all the components have been yet properly verified in simulation. This work will continue in the short- and mid-term. For this reason, we don’t yet advise running such nodes in production systems on mainnet.

The team worked on the enhanced upstreamness metric, which has been tested and implemented on P2P nodes deployed on mainnet. They also fixed the P2P connection manager pruning implementation so it would not exceed the hard limit of inbound connections.

Finally, the team continued working on diffusion simulation, reviewed different PRs, and improved some testing components.


This week, the team worked on finalizing the stable environment for converting AGIX ERC20 tokens from Ethereum to Cardano and vice versa. They improved some infrastructure configurations, enhanced security properties, and are now in the process of final testing. The team also updated tutorials in preparation for the release, and planned a new demo walkthrough.


This week, the team deployed the new reward calculation feature, worked on the ledger events that will be used by DB Sync, and resolved several issues regarding the incremental stake distribution calculation.

They continued investigating stake credentials for memory reduction and added property tests for the KeyMap data structure. More progress was made to improve the compact TxOuts and to add new tracing that enables calculation of the execution time of Plutus scripts.

Additionally, the team cleaned up some ledger code, found and started resolving an address serialization issue, and continued working on stake credential maps fusing.

Work is ongoing on Hydra development; the team swapped a Hydra node to use a real Cardano node on a devnet (removing the mock chain) and continued working on the master branch PRs.


This week, the Plutus team updated Hackage and removed a few unnecessary constraints as a result of the recent release of monoidal-containers. They also made various profiling improvements and investigated the long compilation time of Plutus scripts. The team also released an updated version of the PAB which includes some fixes and enhancements to the chain index and data storage. They updated PAB documentation and made some changes to the outputs of unbalanced transactions.

The Marlowe team worked on actions from last week’s team workshop as well as the Marlowe roadmap and planning for the Marlowe Pioneer Program. Additionally, they made some minor updates to the tutorial and README files.

November 19, 2021


This week, the team improved Scrum ceremonies and fixed some issues with ledger support on Linux. They also made progress working on the Discreet Mode feature and continued migrating the codebase to TypeScript.


This week, the team issued a significant update for cardano-wallet, introducing new endpoints designed for decoding, balancing, signing, and submitting Plutus transactions in a pre-release mode. While the features are complete, the team needs to run real e2e scenarios on testnet to confirm stability.


This week, the team finalized reviewing the P2P master and cardano-node branches. They continued working on P2P simulation tests by improving counter tests, and reordered outbound governor actions. Finally, the team worked on estimating block propagation delay based on timing data available in the chain-sync protocol.


This week, the team merged the stake distribution calculation PR and are now monitoring network performance; the reward calculation PR is in review. The team continued working on new data structures to enable better stake credential sharing and wrote multiple property tests for its assessment. They also progressed on stake credential maps fusing and significantly improved the Alonzo specification.

Work is ongoing on Hydra development; the team continued working on the Hydra Head lifecycle, presented the project plan to stakeholders, and resolved a couple of GitHub issues.


This week, the Plutus team worked on benchmarking tests. They also updated the PlutusTx error codes and messages in troubleshooting, edited the minting policy tutorial, and enhanced chain index configurations as well as script and redeemer tables. Finally, the team worked through Plutus use cases.

The Marlowe team upgraded repositories to PureScript 0.14, worked on Marlowe CLI, and manually deployed the minimal contract to testnet. Work is ongoing on Marlowe PAB updates and the proof of concept for connecting to Nami.

Both the Plutus and Marlowe teams held in person team planning workshops this week.

November 12, 2021


This week, the team prepared for the upcoming Daedalus 4.5.0 release, which includes Catalyst Fund7 voting registration, stake pool oversaturation warning, and Cardano node RTS flags.


This week, the team's focus remained on the integration of the wallet backend (WBE) with the Plutus Application Backend (PAB).

They prepared a pre-release version of the MVP1 scope, which includes all the new endpoints and components designed for balancing, signing, and submitting Plutus transactions.

Finally, the team is still working on the automation of e2e tests, and polishing this new functionality.


This week, the team continued working through changes suggested during the review of the P2P master branch. They also worked on connection messenger issues that appeared in the P2P node under heavy load, continued running testnet simulations, reordered outbound governor actions, and accepted the fork counter. Finally, they continued reviewing the networking specification.


This week, the team was busy testing and deploying the latest version of the node (v.1.31.0).


This week, the team continued working on spreading out the stake distribution and reward calculation computations, adjusted some property tests, and resolved relevant issues. Work is ongoing on merging stake credential maps. The team made progress making ada-only TxOut size more compact, resolved some DB Sync bugs, and updated node properties.

The team also worked on Windows dependency resolution for Cabal, including updating technical instructions and working on different tests. Finally, they documented MempoolCapacityBytesOverride configurations.

Work is ongoing on Hydra development. The team held a light wallet and Basho scoping workshop, where they gathered input on different features and discussed the further project plan. The impact map has been aligned with the delivery process, and the team also tested some code samples on the chain interaction component.


This week, the Plutus team released the beta version of the Plutus Backend (PAB) to help smart contract developers test their communications with cardano-wallet. This release provides integration with the cardano-wallet backend through the balanceTx, signTx, and submitTransaction endpoints. It also adds a pab-local-cluster tool to set up and test this integration on a local private testnet, as well as a collection of scripts to demonstrate this process end-to-end on the public testnet. They also made some updates to the plutus-core-specification document.

The Marlowe team explored alternatives for distributing metadata and the possibility of connecting to the Nami wallet. The team also extracted the web-common and marlowe-website modules to separate repos and implemented full identifier names (instead of acronyms) for field names in the JSON serialization of ACTUS contract terms. Finally, they worked on the preparation of Marlowe Run for testnet.

November 5, 2021


This week, the team optimized the Daedalus startup sequence and integrated the latest LedgerJS. They also started implementing Catalyst registration changes, and are also working on introducing a ‘Discreet’ mode to hide transaction amounts and wallet balances.  


This week, the team maintained their focus on the integration of the wallet backend with the Plutus Application Backend (PAB).

Also, the team is working on e2e tests automation, additional test coverage, and optimization of the fee calculation.

Finally, they finished a new endpoint to provide details about unbalanced transactions for Daedalus users.


This week, the team completed IPV6 support for P2P functionality, which is now in review, worked on the fork counter, and also on simulated socket tests. They continued reviewing the P2P master branch, in particular those commits that are used by non-P2P code, and proceeded with the specification review and updating.


This week, the team prepared for the node v.1.31.0 release and deployment, worked on the wallet Nix Flake support, and made Bitte Grafana updates to improve declarative alerts. Finally, they worked on the propagation delay dashboard for cardano-ops.


This week, the team included the new benchmarking memory usage tool into the repository. Benchmarking results allowed them to focus on target improvements. The team worked on sharing stake among the snapshots, incrementally computing the stake distribution and reward calculation in a more uniform way (at the granularity of stake credentials, instead of stake pools), and fusing the three maps keyed by the stake credentials inside the delegation state.

The team also continued working on rewarding and certifying scripts integration into CI, ran some Cardano node tests, and resolved occurring issues.

Work is ongoing on Hydra planning and development. The team updated some dependencies to recent cardano-node, cardano-ledger-specs, and Plutus versions. They worked on the direct chain component in the full Head life-cycle, and prepared some light wallet workshop material.


This week, the Plutus team worked on Compiler optimizations for smaller script outputs and ran some additional benchmarking tests. They also made small Haddock fixes and some organization changes that make stack.yaml more in sync with cabal.project.

The Marlowe team worked with the education team on planning for the Marlowe Pioneers program. They also applied some fixes to the Marlowe Playground client and worked on Marlowe Run improvements.